Friday, March 19, 2010

absolute swine.

Men really need to learn that disrespecting women is not okay. I’m sure even women with 2 teeth in their mouth and a shaved head still sometimes have to deal with men oogling and cat calling them. I can rant for days about this; it’s near the top of my list of things that don’t make sense in the world. My highly scientific theory tells me that “hollering” at women must work about 10% of the time for these scumbags to continue doing it.

Let me start by saying that my friend and office-mate at work has a very voluptuous figure (AKA lots of curves in the places men want to see them)! She literally cannot take two steps in public without men giving her constant attention. We were walking to the store during lunch time, which was 3 avenues away. In this time, every single man we passed either stared blatantly at her behind or actually verbalized their perverted “appreciation” for her body.

After a man driving some type of work truck insisted on driving alongside us at our pace trying to talk to her, I decided that this behavior is beyond obnoxious. Really, dude? You are driving at a walking pace in your fucking dry cleaning delivery truck trying to yell out your window at a classy lady on the sidewalk about how amazing her ass is? Not. Gonna. Work.

At block 3, two older men were sitting in their car and started yelling at her out the window, “Hey baby...” I yelled back. “Shut the fuck up you’re so disgusting!” In my moment of anger, that was all I could think of at the time. She was laughing because she didn’t know I had it in me. Five steps later another man on the sidewalk told her he wanted to place a choice body part of hers directly into his mouth.

I usually don’t get as angry as I did today over men being pure swine, but it took every inch of class I have in me (which is a questionable amount) not to stab about 13 men in the jugular AND they weren’t even talking to me! I truly feel sick to my stomach that she has to deal with this on a daily basis simply because she has a curvy figure.

Do these men not know that she probably hears this on a daily basis and nothing they could possibly say concerning her body is original? Men should know that just because a woman is beautiful it does not mean that’s all she has going for her. If you really want to get a woman’s attention, compliment her fabulous shoes, her eyes, jewelry, pretty much anything BUT her body.

What little faith I had left in men is absolutely depleted.

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